lundi 13 décembre 2010

Conscience emerges out of Quantum State of Matter

In the January 2011 issue of the Journal of Theoritical Physics sponsored by the Fund for the Improvement of Science and Culture (FISC), Professor Albert Stunault, grand-son of late Albert Einstein, provide all details of a revolutionary discovery made at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) laboratory in CERN during an experiment involving sub-atomic particles traveling at 99.98% of light-speed in a near vacuum. At sub-atomic level, Professor Stunault says, when conditions which existed right after the Big Bang can be simulated, Conscience emerges out of a particular state of matter, called a Bose-Einstein condensate. Measurable levels of an emerging conscience has been brought up by Albert Stunault and his staff.

Note: A Bose–Einstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of weakly interacting bosons confined in an external potential and cooled to temperatures very near absolute zero (0 K or −273.16 °C). Under such conditions, a large fraction of the bosons occupy the lowest quantum state of the external potential, at which point quantum effects become apparent on a macroscopic scale.

More to come soon...

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