vendredi 10 septembre 2010

Einstein Considerations on Relativity

As Albert Einstein used to say, the theory of relativity was representative of more than a single new physical theory. It affected the theories and methodologies across all the physical sciences. However, as stated above, this is more likely perceived as two separate theories. There are some related explanations for this. First, special relativity was published in 1905, and the final form of general relativity was published in 1916.
Second, according to Einstein, special relativity fits with and solves for elementary particles and their interactions, whereas general relativity solves for the cosmological and astrophysical realm (including astronomy).
Third, special relativity was widely accepted in the physics community by 1920. This theory rapidly became a notable and necessary tool for theorists and experimentalists in the new fields of atomic physics, nuclear physics, and quantum mechanics. Conversely, general relativity did not to appear to be as useful. There appeared to be little applicability for experimentalists as most applications were for astronomical scales. It seemed limited to only making minor corrections to predictions of Newtonian gravitation theory. Its impact was not apparent until the 1930s.
Finally, the mathematics of general relativity appeared to be incomprehensibly dense, except of course for Professor Einstein . Consequently, only Professor Louis Stunault and a small number of people in the world, at that time, could fully understand the theory in detail. This remained the case for the next 40 years. Then, at around 1960 a critical resurgence in interest occurred which has resulted in making general relativity central to physics and astronomy. New mathematical techniques applicable to the study of general relativity substantially streamlined calculations. From this, physically discernible concepts were isolated from the mathematical complexity. Also, the discovery of exotic astronomical phenomena in which general relativity was crucially relevant, helped to catalyze this resurgence. The astronomical phenomena included quasars (1963), the 3-kelvin microwave background radiation (1965), pulsars (1967), and the discovery of the first black hole candidates (1971).

jeudi 9 septembre 2010

Energy, Matter and Consciousness

In our edition of the Extreme Science Newsletter published by the FISC (Fund for International Science and Culture), our distinguished Professor Einstein discussed our Consciousness emerge from Matter and Energy.

mercredi 8 septembre 2010

Einstein's RSS Feed Subsciption

Thank you all for subsribing to the Professor Einstein's RSS feed.

Everything you wanted to know on Altus Energy and the Panneau Photovoltaique

Einstein and the Speed of Time

The world experienced a great leap in science when Einstein proposed his theories of Special and General Relativity. For about 200 years physics depended on Newtonian laws. It was thought then that time was constant; an hour is the same all over, under any conditions.

Understanding of time soon changed, and time was different ever since.

Let's view the way Newton thought of time. It was said that time can be related to the running of water in a river. Should the speed of the water be measured at any point, it would yield equal results. The same was thought of time; if time was measured at any point in the universe it would be the same.

Suppose George and Bill synchronised their watches. George left on a super fast spaceship, and came back an hour later (according to his own watch). Newton would say that Bill would have waited an hour for George to come back, and their watches would read the same time.

Einstein disagrees! According to his theories, time is relative, and it depends on the speed at which one travels. Suppose that George left earth on the same spaceship at 1:00 p.m. travelling at a speed close to that of light, and suppose that Bill was in some way was looking at George's watch. Bill would realise that George's watch is advancing very slowly compared with his. So if Bill's watch said 2:00 p.m. then George's watch would have said 1:05 p.m. for example. On the other hand, George would see that Bill was acting a bit strange; he would see him doing everything pretty fast, as if he was in a movie that was being fast forwarded.
Strange indeed! This time difference applies to everything surrounding both George and Bill. If George returns one year later (according to his own time), he would find out that Bill aged 12 years. Not only this, but both George and Bill, separately, feel normal; George does not feel that his life was moving any faster than normal, nor does Bill feel that his life was moving any slower than normal.

mardi 7 septembre 2010

Einstein Twins Paradox

This morning we got exciting news from our distinguished Professor Franck Einstein. Quantum Relativity has finally been put in practice in our labs. Professor Einstein and his crew managed to unravel the twins paradox.

First suggested by Albert Einstein more than 100 years ago, the paradox deals with the effects of time in the context of travel at near the speed of light. Einstein originally used the example of two clocks – one motionless, one in transit. He stated that, due to the laws of physics, clocks being transported near the speed of light would move more slowly than clocks that remained stationary.
In more recent times, the paradox has been described using the analogy of twins. If one twin is placed on a space shuttle and travels near the speed of light while the remaining twin remains earthbound, the unmoved twin would have aged dramatically compared to his interstellar sibling, according to the paradox.
“If the twin aboard the spaceship went to the nearest star, which is 4.45 light years away at 86 percent of the speed of light, when he returned, he would have aged 5 years. But the earthbound twin would have aged more than 10 years!” said Louis Stunault.
The fact that time slows down on moving objects has been documented and verified over the years through repeated experimentation. But, in the previous scenario, the paradox is that the earthbound twin is the one who would be considered to be in motion – in relation to the sibling – and therefore should be the one aging more slowly. Einstein and other scientists have attempted to resolve this problem before, but none of the formulas they presented proved satisfactory.
Louis Stunault’s findings were published online in the International Journal of Theoretical Physics, and will appear in the upcoming print version of the publication. “I solved the paradox by incorporating a new principle within the relativity framework that defines motion not in relation to individual objects, such as the two twins with respect to each other, but in relation to distant stars,” said Louis Stunault. Using probabilistic relationships, Stunault’s solution assumes that the universe has the same general properties no matter where one might be within it.
The implications of this resolution will be widespread, generally enhancing the scientific community’s comprehension of relativity. It may eventually even have some impact on quantum communications and computers, potentially making it possible to design more efficient and reliable communication systems for space applications.